Fertility Reflexology
I am excited to be now offering Fertility Reflexology. One in six couples struggle to conceive and we as reflexologists are finding that more and more couples are exploring their options for help in this area.
The training I have just undertaken is with Seren Fertility Reflexology. Barbara Scott who devised the training won the 2017 FHT ( Federation of Holistic Therapists) Complementary Therapist of the Year. These awards are designed to recognise individuals and businesses that are excelling in reflexology therapy practice and education. Barbara has also just won the AoR ( Association of Reflexologists) Excellence in Innovation Award. Praise indeed!
Part 1 of the course covered understanding the basic causes of fertility difficulties in both men and women, identifying ovulation, medical tests undertaken by clients, and how to work with fertility and sub fertility, I have now started to put the techniques I have learnt. And loving it!
Currently I am looking for case study clients in order to complete my course, if you or anyone you know is interested in trying reflexology for conception please ( ask them to) get in touch for more details and information.
A course of treatments will be required. Treatment costs will be reduced for a limited time, to make this a more affordable option.